Sunday, February 20, 2011

to dream of the vagabond life

ma family &&& i have kinda all been drifters.

 its in our genes i guess.

making little homes from wherever we wonder.

 i will continue on this rogue tradition. 

i will accept the nomadic life. 

this is not the gypsy's last stop.

the vagabond, the bohemian soul goes on.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

welcome to jamrock


and here i am sth fylakh. 
plaka plakaaa kanw. chillout.
im blogging.. this is making me smile like a fool cause i just didnt recognize myself for a moment.
there doesnt need to be any order. its okay.
theres something much bigger than this.
† ˚ † ˚ † 
one might call it epiphany. 
i really have no clue.
theres one road to invincible. 
{for you, for me, &&& everyone else}
{pray that [iii] praay, {i'll}// pray that [you'll] pray}


{{...makes no mistakes"}}

[[.. jamaica jamaica oh. // OUT IN THE STREETS..]]

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why am I eating?

I was not concerned about my food until I went to Greece.  Every meal I had in Europe actually was so amazing. A tomato is a fruit...well at least the ones I had from Greece. I could eat a tomato there like you eat an apple or peach.The produce was not looked a little dirty actually. Every banana, apple, pear, kiwi, cucumber, onion, tomato were all smaller than ours in America. You did not find watermelons without seeds, or milk sold in huge gallons.  Things from the grocery store would spoil in a matter of a few days. And food was relatively cheap. There were not all these preservatives in what I was eating.

I am to a great extent freaked out, and sickened about the way our food is being treated.  Genetically modified, waxy, oversized produced IS NOT NATURAL. I am just a little confused as to why its even called food. It's kind of like half food half chemical.. but for some reason it is more expensive...its brought in from other countries...slaves pick our food for horrible wages. Organic food in America is very expensive. Why? It is natural...the way God intended... It should not be a right whether you're rich or poor to be able to afford food that is natural. 
Some movies to check out are Food Inc, and Food Matters. Watch these and tell me that you don't want to stand up and say something-- or just move out of the USA..